Hahn Pave for a Sensible Solution

Permeable pavement grid installation in progress.

Tree Amigo’s Landscaping Team reach out to us for a Solution to an issue they were facing with providing a Client with a cost effective solution to a typically pricey endeavor. A normal driveway into a Circular Driveway.

Their client had been combating mobility issues for a while now and finally needed to make a change to the lay out of their driveway for easier access and egress.  A Traditional paved driveway was turning out to be much to expensive and they really did not want to loose the aesthetic of their home.

Tree Amigos had heard about gravel pavers and grass pavers in the past so they reached out to us to learn more about the Hahn Pave System that we carry. Once they had the basic understanding of how our system worked they new it would be a perfect fit for this project.  The Hahn pave worked out well under budget and due to its versatility the Hahn Pave was able to adhere to the exact look they were hoping for!